Naomi Ruth is now 7 months old!! I can't believe it!! And she never stops amazing me with how different she is from her sibilings. She is a beautiful little girl that I truly love so much.
Here are some Naomi stats:
She is 26 inches long and weighs 14 pounds 2 ounces
She now army crawls allover the place even though mommy isn't ready for this yet :)
She loves to still wake up a few times each night...but we have been letting her cry lately and she is starting to wake less
She loves to smile
She loves to play with Peyton & Isabella. They make her smile, always!
She has discovered her tongue and is constantly chewing on it, twisting it, curling it...pretty much just playing with it. Her brother & sister did not so this...
She is talking now which means all sorts of noises and sounds and maybe even mama :)